Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Consumer influence on Companys Production Process Essay - 23

Consumer influence on Companys Production Process - Essay Example This act of consumers contributing their ideas in the production process is what is referred to in this article as co-production. Some researchers refer to co-creation and co-production as almost meaning the same thing (Lusch & Obrien, 2006). This essay is going to be aimed at summarizing the trend that is now taking place in production processes. Consumers have identified that they need to play a role throughout the production process from conception of a product, its production, marketing, to final consumption stage. Marketers have also realized the need to incorporate the other players in co-production with examples being evidenced by the number of engagement marketers have with consumers. The example is the case of Kao Corporation, the makers of Ban deodorant, with an attempt to capture the input from customers in the marketing process, held a contest asking girls and young women to create print advertisements that would resonate with other consumers (Vranica, 2005). It is reported that the contest drew thousands of entries, thereby adding to the fact that consumers are willing to participate in the product marketing. This trend where collaboration exists between producers and consumers has resulted in the struggle to control the product. Producers are now in a dilemma on how, and how much of their production should be left to the manipulation by consumers. They already know that consumers are continuously becoming a force to reckon with in production process and ignoring them is just like coating a disaster. Through virtual communities, consumers have continued to analyze products thoroughly resulting in a success or complete flop of the same depending on whether the product meets their expectations or not.

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